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Environmental Policy

At CMTG, we are committed to protecting the environment through sustainable practices and continuous improvement. 

Our Environmental Policy outlines our dedication to minimising our environmental impact and promoting a culture of environmental responsibility across all our operations.

Environmental Policy

At CMTG, we recognise our responsibility to protect the environment throughout the design, manufacture, and installation of our products. Our commitment is to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and promote sustainable practices.

Compliance and oversight

We ensure strict adherence to all statutory and regulatory requirements. Our Environmental Committee is dedicated to implementing and maintaining our comprehensive Environmental Policy.

Employee engagement

All employees receive copies of our Environmental Policy and related procedures, which are regularly updated to ensure awareness and compliance with their environmental responsibilities.

General Policy

CMTG is dedicated to achieving exceptional environmental performance across all activities. Our key commitments include:

  • Pollution and waste reduction: Minimising the environmental impact of our activities, products, and services by reducing pollution, waste, and resource usage.
  • Management communication: Communicating management’s values, beliefs, and commitment to environmental protection.
  • Continuous improvement: Cultivating a culture of ongoing enhancement in environmental performance.
  • Energy efficiency: Promoting the efficient use of energy across operations.
  • Environmental responsibility: Fostering a sense of environmental responsibility among all staff.
  • Performance reporting: Regularly reporting on performance against environmental targets.
  • Impact assessment: Continuously assessing and improving the environmental impact of our operations.

Environmental Management System

We have implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) to ensure all environmental objectives and targets are met. This framework supports our commitment to responsible environmental practices.

Board Support

The Board of Directors fully supports this policy and all efforts to uphold it. Our dedication to environmental stewardship is reflected in our ongoing initiatives to enhance our environmental performance.


For more detailed information, please download our full Environmental Policy.