
Micro Miniature Piezo-Tronic IEPE Accelerometer - A/127/V
Micro Miniature Piezo-Tronic IEPE Accelerometer - A/127/V
1mV/g up to 100mV/g (±10%) ∙ 1.4gm ∙ -50°C to 125°C
Sub-miniature teardrop IEPE/voltage output accelerometer. Manufactured in Titanium and features an all welded construction for a robust build. Using the DJB unique Konic Shear® sensing element the low mass of the A/127/V renders it transparent in the vast majority of light weight structure vibration measurement applications. The A/127/V is adhesive mounted. A detachment tool is provided to shear adhesive joints. Shock removal is to be avoided as being deleterious to the integrity of the transducer. Abrasive cleaning of the attachment face will reduce base thickness over time; sparing use of adhesive will aid longevity. All welded construction. KP miniature microdot connector
- Signal outlet is via KP miniature microdot connector
- Konic Shear Sensing Element.
- Lightweight Design
- Modal Analysis of lightweight structures
- Automotive
- Aerospace
- High Temperature
- Impact Testing
- Industrial
- Exhaust Testing
- Turbo Charger Testing
- Vibration Shaker Testing
- Structural Testing
- Auto/Aero structural body surveys