The role, use, and environment within which a helicopter is operated greatly influence the health and through-life maintenance needs of the aircraft. Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) allows the transformation of system data from complex helicopter systems and other sources into information to support operational decisions, optimising maintenance and performance, and improve the availability of large helicopter fleets.
Historically, IVHM technologies have been too expensive for the mass helicopter market to take advantage of. Until now …
ARRIVE is a three-year collaborative R&D project between Helitune, Critical Software Technologies, and the University of Bristol. The project, supported by the Technology Strategy Board (TSB), exploits data sets from multiple helicopter operators, aircraft types, and operating environments. Combining novel health monitoring and prognostic algorithms with a cloud-based exploitation solution that enables users to take advantage of online IVHM specialist services, ARRIVE will enable all helicopter operators to integrate the benefits of IVHM technologies into their businesses.