The difference between low noise and non-low noise cables
It is important to use the correct cable when using accelerometers.
A charge output accelerometer must be used with a LOW NOISE cable. The term low noise refers to the cable's ability to reduce triboelectric noise (otherwise known as motion-induced noise) rather than electrical noise. This reduction is accomplished by the inclusion of a graphite or silver wrap on the outer surface of the inner dielectric layer. If a non-low noise cable is used movement of the cable will add an additional signal to the data causing errors in data analysis.
An IEPE accelerometer is much more forgiving and can be used with almost any type of cable. The more traditional coaxial cable is commonly used for these accelerometers. If using both Charge and IEPE accelerometers within your facility. It is best to standardise all cables to be low noise types to avoid potential errors in using the wrong cable.
For more details about cable selection and for a practical demonstration of triboelectric noise please see our Youtube video
Watch the video that demonstrates the importance of low-noise cables when using charge-type accelerometers

DJB are here to help you select the correct accelerometer, cable, signal conditioning and accessories.

DJB Instruments UK Ltd holds the widest range of cable types and cable lengths in stock for use, whether you need low noise cables for charge accelerometers or lower cost non-low noise for IEPE accelerometers, we have them.