Two decades of success
Celebrating 20 years of Helitune GmbH
To celebrate its 20-year anniversary, Helitune GmbH joined forces with its customers, partners and colleagues to raise funds for a local charity. Seven teams donated a start fee and entered into a fun competition of darts, chess, horse racing betting, boules and lawn ski racing!
The winning team “Tango” chose the charity and a donation was made to Glühwürmchen e.V., a charity that supports children suffering from life-limiting illnesses like cancer. Helitune CEO Andy Lobato had a lucky hand with the giant dice, rolled a 3, and tripled the amount raised.

About Helitune GmbH
Helitune GmbH was established in 2003 as a customer liaison office to support the German customer Bundeswehr.
The Armed Forces had been operating the Helitune Rotortuner on most of their helicopters for rotor track and balance (RTB) since the early 1990s.
Helitune is a British brand and a local German representation was established to strengthen the services and product support for the Bundeswehr.
Working closely with the procurement department for the German Armed Forces, BWB (Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung) at the time, now BAAINBw, a new contract was developed.
Under the new unique contract, called Total Care, the Armed Forces operated the system and Helitune took care of the maintenance and support. The contract demonstrates our commitment to the continuous development of rotor track and balance products for the helicopter industry.
As Helitune GmbH grew, the offering of products and services was growing as well. Together with the Armed Forces products for a system for measuring engine vibrations, a product for powering the equipment on a fixed wiring installation for the Rotortuner integrated into an aircraft was developed.
Working with ZF Luftfahrttechnik (ZFL) on a product called Inflight Tuning (IFT) for the CH-53, developed in 2005 and continues today. Our close working relationship with one of the world's biggest OEMs, Airbus Helicopters, shows continued success with defence operators.
Building relationships
Besides the governmental helicopter operators, Helitune GmbH has developed robust relationships with civil operators, including H135 and H145 HEMS operators. This continued with the development and introduction of the new generation of rotor track and balancing system, the Rotortuner RT-6.
The RT-6 with its unique Minimum Flight Routine (MFR) Algorithm is compatible with the H145 D3, the latest release from Airbus for the H145 fleet, with a five-bladed rotor system.
Over the last 20 years, Helitune GmbH has built a stable and accepted work relationship with BAAINBw and the German Armed Forces, Airbus and civil Airbus customers.
Looking to the future
We aim to continue to develop our existing relationships with the defence sector and build new relationships with the new Airbus operators, and continue to make improvements in our products and services to meet the needs of helicopter operators.