402 Frequency Response Analyser
The Beran 402 is a designated laboratory high-precision instrument for measuring the precise frequency response of dynamic systems.
Using Single Sine Correlation analysis techniques to measure the precise frequency response of the system under test, the Beran 402 offers unrivalled harmonic and wide-band noise rejection in order to extract the required signal and accurately measure its amplitude and phase.
The Beran 402 is a designated laboratory high-precision instrument for measuring the precise frequency response of dynamic systems.
Key features
- Wide frequency range (10mHz to 100KHz)
- Amplitude range 10mV to 10V RMS
- Up to 4 parallel analysis channels
- Graphic displays - Bode, Nyquist, Time Domain
- Test result displays - Polar, Cartesian
- Fully configurable generator and analysis Settings
Using Single Sine Correlation analysis techniques to measure the precise frequency response of the system under test, the Beran 402 offers unrivalled harmonic and wide-band noise rejection in order to extract the required signal and accurately measure its amplitude and phase.
The basis of Frequency Response Analysis is to measure the gain and phase of a system or circuit at various fundamental frequencies.
In practice, unwanted harmonic and wideband noise is often introduced in addition to the fundamental, which totally masks the required signal in some cases.
By employing the Single Sine Correlation technique, the Beran 402 Frequency Response Analyser offers unrivalled harmonic and wideband noise rejection in order to extract the required signal and accurately measure its amplitude and phase. This sequential, single-frequency stimulus with narrow-band analysis enables superior measurement accuracy and repeatability under harsh measurement conditions. Alternative FFT techniques suffer significant limitations when used to measure dynamic systems exhibiting non-linear behaviour, or in circumstances where poor signal-to-noise ratios prevail.
Incorporated as standard within the Beran 402 are a multitude of display formats, allowing the user to optimise the presentation of test results. All displays allow the real-time presentation of test results, i.e. update occurs after the completion of each individual result. Full user control of displayed data is provided, allowing zoom facilities, phase convention, auto or manual X and Y axis ranges, and cursor point gain/phase text display.