Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
CMTG seeks to be a responsible buyer and supplier of goods and services. We set high standards to ensure that all our business is conducted ethically, sustainably, and within the law.
We also expect our suppliers to comply with all applicable local laws and regulations, and to respect internationally recognised human and labour rights.
Health and Safety and the environment
An excellent company is by definition a safe company. CMTG is committed to its responsibilities under the framework of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and its associated Regulations.
We intend to provide safe and healthy working conditions and to ensure work activities are conducted safely so as not to harm employees, the public, and contractors. We expect our suppliers to comply with relevant legislation such as CoSHH, REACH, and RoHS where appropriate. Suppliers working on our sites are expected to respect our safety culture and, where applicable, we will seek evidence that our suppliers are compliant.
CMTG is committed to minimising its emissions, waste, and the unnecessary use of natural resources by reusing and recycling materials. We expect our suppliers to manage and reduce their carbon footprint and encourage their supply chain to do the same.
Bribery and kickbacks
CMTG does not tolerate any form of bribery and corruption and is committed to acting responsibly wherever it operates in the world, and to engaging with its stakeholders to manage the social, environmental, and ethical impact of its activities in the different markets in which it operates.
CMTG does not engage in bribery or any form of unethical inducement or payment, including facilitation payments and ‘kickbacks’. Furthermore, the Company will uphold laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption in all the jurisdictions in which it operates, particularly laws that are directly relevant to specific business practices.
CMTG expects suppliers to respect its policy and not engage in any form of commercial bribery or kickback, or offer any incentive to any CMTG employee, their family, or friends, to win or retain CMTG business.
Accounting and business
CMTG will ensure that appropriate risk assessments and internal controls are in place, and will establish feedback mechanisms to maintain accurate records which properly and fairly reflect all financial transactions. Internal control systems CMTG must keep accurate records of all matters related to the supplier’s business with CMTG.
Conflicts of interest
CMTG shall follow all applicable laws, regulations, and directives concerning the employment or engagement of public officials, including those dealing with conflicts of interest.
CMTG maintains policies to address or mitigate the risk of undue or improper conflicts of interest. If an employee of the supplier is a family relation to any employee, or if the supplier has any other relationship that might represent a conflict of interest, the supplier should disclose this fact to CMTG, and ensure that the relevant CMTG employee also does so.
Information security
Suppliers should protect confidential information belonging to or vested in CMTG by all relevant laws, and act to prevent its misuse, theft, fraud, or improper disclosure. Suppliers must take due care in handling, discussing, or transmitting sensitive or confidential information that could affect CMTG, its employees, its customers, the business community, or the public, even after their assignment or contract with CMTG has expired.
Living Wage
CMTG is a ‘Living Wage’ employer. We believe that paying a decent wage is good for the people who work for us, and also makes good business sense too. The Living Wage Foundation promotes a UK Living Wage based on hourly rates that are set independently and updated in November of each year. CMTG employees are paid a basic hourly rate at or over the Living Wage, except apprentices who are on structured pay progression systems.
Suppliers who believe that a CMTG employee, or anyone acting on behalf of the Group, has engaged in illegal or otherwise improper conduct, should report the matter immediately. Similarly, suppliers should report any potential violation of this Charter. Reports may be made directly by emailing our Human Resources Team.
A supplier’s relationship with the Group will not be affected by an honest report of potential misconduct.
Anti-slavery and human trafficking
CMTG recognises that the execution of our activities involves the use of labour procured through our business and supply chains and understands that this entails the risk that modern slavery and human trafficking may take place. Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights.