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Engineering capabilities

Helitune’s roots can be traced back to the early 1980s, with innovations such as the world’s first microprocessor-based Rotor Track and Balance system. 

Today, the Company is renowned for designing and developing novel health monitoring systems for rotorcraft.  From Sensor Development through to Data Science, its innovative Engineering Team strives to solve real-world problems through the fusion of customer-focused R&D, ground-breaking technology, and comprehensive applications knowledge.

The team consists of c. 40 engineers, operating across the United Kingdom, Germany, and America, covering core product development activities including Hardware, Software, and Systems Design.  Particular areas of expertise include Digital Signal Processing, Data Analysis, and Airborne Systems Integration.  Products are developed to meet AS9100 Quality Assurance requirements and conform to the appropriate DO-178 (software) and DO-254 (hardware) Design Assurance levels.

During 2005, Helitune recognised the importance that greater data intelligence would play in future health monitoring systems and formed its Data Science Research Group.  A key contributor to the success of this group continues to be its strong working relationship with the University of Bristol, which began in 2006 with an award-winning Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP).

Helitune’s engineers are endeavouring to move health monitoring into a new era, where systems begin to think and respond more like humans – to take the right action, at the right time, and in the right area.